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Mobile payment and the business of predicting

Published on February 15, 2013 By Matt

For a while it looked as though Google Wallet was going to take the world by storm. At least, last year many an expert predicted as much. This year, they are predicting instead that the likes of banks, Visa and Paypal will grab and run with that ball. In Gigaom.com, Kevin Fitchard writes, “Google and […]

Google Wallet: First Impressions (via Mashable)

Published on September 21, 2011 By Matt

Google Wallet is officially here, and already the technology is showing a lot of promise. Check out this article from Mashable for some great insight into using Google Wallet, issues with privacy, and, of course, what comes next.

Magic Wand Ahead: Meet Google Wallet

Published on July 19, 2011 By Matt

Ah, the ubiquitous Google. It’s not just for maps, web, images, videos, news, shopping, mail, analytics, advertising, translations and, well, everything under the sun anymore. Now it’s in your wallet. On second thought, make that, now it IS your wallet. Yes, Google Wallet is here.  As more and more businesses hop on board, expect to […]