Archive for March, 2017

X, Y, Z … A?

March 15, 2017

  If you adopt an alphabetized naming system, think twice before starting with X. You will run out of letters in no time. Having gone through X, Y, and Z, marketers are wondering what to call the rising generation of preschool- and elementary school-age children. Fortune remains agnostic as to what the name will be. […]

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Under the new
Predicting the
future of fintech

March 8, 2017

Perhaps you heard: The United States has a new administration. Relax. I’m not going to opine here about bathrooms, health care, or walls. I could think of no surer way to lose about 50 percent of valued personal and business relationships. Instead, I’m going report on sundry educated guesses as to what we in the […]

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Predicting the
future of fintech

Gooligan Hooligans

March 1, 2017

Those poor hackers. Imagine not getting credit for your work when it goes on to fame, anonymity being recommended for staying out of prison. And no matter how clever a moniker you cook up for your creation, you’d know it’s destined for oblivion, since the privilege of naming it goes to those who detect it. […]

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