Archive for December, 2014

Digital customers shouldn’t have to navigate an obstacle course before you help them

December 17, 2014

Last week, a friend of mine, also in marketing, posted this after fighting his way to live chat on Adobe’s website: “Adobe live chat is immensely helpful—once you get there. First you must prove your worthiness. You must navigate a maze, undergo a colonoscopy, pass a written exam on String Theory, run a gauntlet (blindfolded), sacrifice […]

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Dinosaurs knew a thing or two about email

December 12, 2014

Email Marketing Lessons from the Direct Mail Dark Ages Part 2: The Good From the moment the U.S. Constitution gave Congress the power to establish post offices, marketers went to work learning how to make direct mail pay. Over time, direct mail marketers began noting techniques that seemed to work most often and on a […]

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Conning their way

to success

December 1, 2014

Email Marketing Lessons from the Direct Mail Dark Ages Part 1: The Bad We who do email marketing are heirs of an earlier profession known as “direct mail.” It is still practiced, profitably I might add, by holdouts. Perhaps you know some. Or perhaps you read about direct mail in a marketing history book. Though […]

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to success