Filthy lucre. Literally. WHEN IT COMES TO selling online services, bank marketers typically focus on benefits such as speed, convenience, accessibility, and economy. These are valid, but another, largely overlooked benefit is available, just waiting for the right brave marketer to capitalize on it: hygiene. In an article for NPR, Michaeleen Doucleff writes, “… those […]
The idea behind healthy competition is that it tends to spur invention, efficiencies, and improvements. Except, let’s be honest. Sometimes that part about efficiencies is a stretch. When myriad players scramble to build proprietary solutions to a common challenge, efficiency can suffer, and chaos—costly chaos—can reign. For that reason, sometimes it makes sense even for competitors […]
It was an honor to be asked to speak at the Financial Brand Forum. When people actually showed up to hear me flap my jaws, I was as flattered as I was relieved. For those who weren’t able to join me there, here’s a summary of my remarks, written by Bryan Ochalla, posted today on […]
Early in the 19th century, a young man was so taken with barnacles that he actually wrote books about them. One thing that captured his imagination was how easily changes in the water could wipe out most of a population. But he noted that sometimes a few barnacles managed to adapt and survive. These would […]
Part 1: Making it Digital But Keeping it Personal Once upon a time, families gathered in living rooms and listened to the radio. Later, they watched TV. In the morning before or in the evening right after work, adults in the family perused the newspaper. Or so I’m told. Whether or not that’s how it […]