Of the many ways to obtain an email list, by far the best and most productive e-list you will ever use is your house list. A house list consists of customers and inquirers who have volunteered to receive emails from your business. Since they know you and intentionally opted in, they are most likely to […]
Thanks to the Internet, many tools once exclusive to professionals are now widely available at low or no cost. Nowadays, just about anyone with a computer can design a page, retouch a photo, or even compose music. But if you’ve ever had to hide crossed fingers behind your back while muttering something nice about a […]
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that if a particular fishing lure works, you should keep using it. Or that if a particular shortcut consistently saves you time, you should keep taking it. Yet surprisingly few companies apply the same sort of logic to enhance online marketing effectiveness. Dropping a lure in the […]
I have had the opportunity to speak at some great conferences over the past few years and 2011 will be no exception. I just presented at the American Bankers Association Insurance Risk Management Forum (blog post on conference highlights forthcoming) and I’m gearing up to present at the following conferences over the next few months: […]
As a follow-up to my post earlier this week on the importance of getting permission from people before sending email blasts (and this extends to clients, prospects, etc.) here’s how to obtain (and maintain) permission to send marketing emails: