Archive for February, 2020

The well-worn payment device

February 10, 2020

Now and then a product comes along that, seemingly overnight, proves indispensable, even though we had seemed to manage quite well without it before. The automobile comes to mind. So does Egg McMuffin. And, for a while, fidget spinners. But at least people could readily grasp what automobiles, McMuffins, and fidget spinners were good for. This year […]

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TBT: In celebration of tax season and the 19th Amendment

February 6, 2020

Perhaps you heard: 2020’s tax seasons is upon us. You may also be aware that August of 2020 will mark 100 years since the adoption of the 19th Amendment, finally acknowledging women’s right to vote. It’s an issue that, like many, today makes us shake our heads to think it was ever hotly contested. It seems […]

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Fooling sophisticated security systems with a photo

February 3, 2020

Ever notice how easy it is in the movies to get the better of high tech security?  Every secure room and prison cell has a person-size ventilation shaft covered by an easily removed grate. You can spray fog to reveal laser beams and then contort your way through. For every floor with alarm pressure plates, you […]

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